Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Halle Berry, 46, Has Barely Aged Since 2000

Halle Berry

It's hard to believe that the two photos above were taken 11 years apart. But any fan of Halle Berry can vouch that the star still remains to be one of the most ageless A-listers in Hollywood.

Berry, who celebrated her 46th birthday on Tuesday, has never been one to make headlines for her weight ups and downs and instead, kept admirers gawking at how she manages to maintain her incredible body.

"Halle's body looks 10 years younger, at least. She's an inspiration!" the actress' trainer Nat Bardonnet has told Us Weekly. "We try to get rid of what she doesn't like while keeping her womanly shape: erasing thighs, keeping the butt high, lengthening the hamstrings, and working the abs."

To fuel her hourlong, four-day-a week workouts with Bardonnet, the New Year's Eve actress, who's engaged to her beau of two years, Olivier Martinez, relies on protein drinks from West Hollywood's Earth Bar. Adds Bardonnet, "She also eats energy bars."

In addition, the diabetic star, mom of Nahla, 4, eats five times a day to keep her blood sugar and metabolism up. Her meal picks: salads, fish and soups, which double as anti-aging, wrinkle-fighting foods.

Via: How Halle Berry, 46, Has Barely Aged Since 2000

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